Kris' XIV OC Pile

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Dornnithota "Dorni" Chevalier (née Agatbraenawyn)

warrior | 32 at journey's start | she/they | pan
married to Dacien Chevalier
best friend is Soft Ghost
Doeranka's twin

Aesthetic: punk rock, yankee, more masculine
VA: Minagawa Junko
"Canon" minion: hunting hawk
NPC "love" interest: She'd bang Hien, just to say she got with royalty.
To summarize Dorni: her very name, "thorny daughter." Dangerous, imposing, sharp. As half-Hellsguard, she chose this name for herself, but kept it in Sea Wolf language to celebrate her other half.Dornnithota is not soft and kind; rather, she shows fondness through teasing, giving her powerful and intense presence to those she wishes to guard, and telling people when they're selling themselves short. She is blunt and may not smile all the time, but when she does it usually has a cheeky edge to it. Like there's a hidden joke in there.As someone practically born with an axe in her hand - "I'm a Limsan Sea Wolf, 'tis in me blood" - she moves with grace a large weapon like that should not allow. Her axe is an extension of herself. She is the thorns that guard her company and her loved ones; unlike a shield, she is making her threat open and obvious. In her early days, she was not so good at the guarding part, choosing instead to be fully offensive and only strike. Though some call it sick and disturbing, the feel of the axe cutting and slicing through an enemy, rending them in a spray of gore as she uses her strength to tear... there is nothing else like it. Hence why being a warrior worked out so well for her: they're all about controlling the Inner Beast, releasing that violence and hunger in a productive way.

Doeranka "Dori" Agatbraenasyn

monk | 32 at journey's start | he/him | pan
loves his dodo, Popoto
Dornnithota's twin

Aesthetic: muscles on display, sandals, hand wraps, leather gloves
VA: Yao Kazuki
"Canon" minion: fledgling dodo (Popoto)
Trademark clothing item: Gryphonskin Eyepatch
To summarize Dori: a flaming fist. Dori tends to jump right in, fists out, ready to get the work done. Beast needs slaying? Sure. Company HQ needs cleaning? Sure. One of the lalafellin need him to get something off a high shelf? Sure. After spending his youth doing manual labor and not much adventuring, he's used to hard work and always up to head out on an adventure.He’s the first to run in and often this ends up causing more trouble than anything. Dori's very unorthodox for the specialization he took on; many say he should have done the Limsan Sea Wolf tradition and wielded an axe instead, but he likes getting right in close and messy. Punching is where he belongs.But what makes Dori's loud, brash, and often impulsive personality tolerable is how genuinely easy-going and fun-loving he is. After a youth full of hard partying, drinking, and falling into the cold ocean waters while working due to being drunk on shift, he toned down over time. He knows when to relax and have fun, and when he should be trying to focus. He wants to be a good role model, someone others can rely on for a helping hand, a listening ear, or a good laugh - and even with his flaws of bluntness, being too crude or brash, or making poor decisions in he heat of the moment, he does his very best.

Carmilla Chevalier (née Swiftarm)

white mage, dancer | 24 at journey's start | she/her | lesbian
married to Astrid Chevalier

Aesthetic: long dresses, flowers in her hair, anything feminine and flowy, bright dyes (yellow and orange are her favorite)
VA: Romi Park
"Canon" minion: dwarf rabbit
Trademark clothing item: something sunshine yellow
NPC love interest: She had a big crush on Yugiri from their first meeting, to the point she learned flower language to give her an arrangement.
A naturally sunny, bubbly woman, Carmilla makes the sky turn blue and fights despair with raw love and cheer. Even after the tragedy in her life, she never stops smiling, dancing, and wearing yellow.On the Source, Carmilla's life was not much different... at first. Her family lived along the Limsa coast, fishing and doing clothing repair. One day, wavekin attacked - the day Carmilla gained her scar, and lost her brother. She never truly got over the loss; Carmilla just up and left to go to Gridania to learn to heal through conjury. This is her greatest shame, and her secret: she ran away from her grief.But Carmilla existed on the First. On the First, a fisherman's daughter met a fragment of a man's dead sister. Astrid, the deceased sister of Dacien, still lived - and she came to the Source, only to meet her wife all over again. To Carmilla, this was destiny, a romantic fate, for her love to find her across worlds.Fun fact: Her wife loves All Saints Wake, while she loves Starlight. She bakes cookies, decorates, everything.

Vaphert Beaudonet

astrologian | 26 at journey's start | he/they | bi
married to Soft Ghost
cousin of Apolline Kaucelle

Aesthetic: flamboyancy, GNC dress, frills, long sleeves
VA: Sugita Tomokazu
"Canon" minion: white whittret (his is a female one named Deidre)
Trademark clothing item: monocle
NPC love interest: Haurchefant (briefly)
Vaphert has a lot of heart and maybe not enough brain - but that never stopped him. He's curious and full of questions about the world around him, and awkward silences are filled with him talking about the things he loves: cool plants, cool bugs, how to cook them both, and pottery.Growing up in the caves, like traditional Duskwights, Vaphert was keenly aware how Gridania regarded him and his people. Though he kept to himself and tried to make it in mun-tuy brewing, he realized he didn't want to stay here after his love left to join the Wood Wailers. Much to the regret of his young cousins and his parents, he departed for Ul'dah to try his hand at gladiatorial combat. Perhaps not wise, but he's not the brightest...However, Ul'dah was not what he expected, with society being stratified and not completely unlike Gridania. He allied with the Maelstrom, finding the pirate city to be closest to his ideals, and joined the rogue's guild. They taught him the secret underbelly of the city, and how to sneak around - perfect for a sneaky, unscrupulous Duskwight, right?Upon entering Ishgard, he finally found his true calling - astrology. This unique type of magic was a bit too clever for him, but through hard work and genuine passion, he found a place in the art. That, and anything to continue to annoy people, as he's always been an "outsider" no matter where he's been.Fun fact(s): Vaphert's prized possessions are a satchel of neat rocks his wife gives him (from her family of miners), and a glowing marimo lamp.He also wears a monocle as he injured his eye during his time with the Rogue's guild.

Gerelt Kha

bard, dark knight | 40 at journey's start |
he/him | bi

Aesthetic: "dadcore"
VA: Kosugi Juurota
Trademark clothing item: Contemporary Pince-nez
NPC love interest: Currently figuring things out with Count Edmont Fortemps
Gerelt was always a stern, awkward man - his body simply grew taller, his horns larger, but he never really changed inside. But he was proficient with a bow, for hunting and battle, and was good with outside peoples - an ideal Kha husband. Steppe life continued as normal, even if the Kha tribe did live outside and on the fringes of the Xaela homeland.Leading up to his fortieth summer, Gerelt began having regular dreams of this great crystal calling to him. Hydaelyn was not a deity spoken about on the Steppe; luckily, having spoken with outsiders so frequently during his life, he had heard the name at least once. A contact confirmed what he had suspected - this deity was important, and should be obeyed.Sorocan was none too pleased to hear her husband was leaving the Steppe permanently, essentially ending their bond; at least her sons were grown at twenty and seventeen summers. His sons were angry, claiming he simply wanted to run off with a younger outsider woman. He never argued. Gerelt speaks of them proudly, even if they hate him, and others judge him for his decision.This journey is dangerous. Nobody else should be forced to take it - so he took the challenge and sacrificed a life of peace for it.As he visited Ishgard, he finally found another discipline other than the bow that suited him well: the Dark Knight. Through the teachings of Fray, he learned how to process his anger, grief, and shame of leaving his family and how the burden of being a hero has effected him. It also allowed him to meet another Xaela in a strange land, besides the ones in his adventuring company; he was not so alone as he originally thought.Nothing, however, could help him not feel raw anger at a young prince exploiting his people's traditions...

Kian Carver

ninja | 18 at journey's start | he/him | male-leaning bi
coupled with Rowan Graves

Aesthetic: loose clothing (or none), sandals, hand wraps, delinquent/yankee
VA: Miyano Mamoru
Trademark clothing(?) item: always shirtless
NPC love interest: Smitten with Jacke and Oboro, and obsessed with Thancred. He thinks Thancred is cool.
Kian has never had stability; the child of a single mother, who later tried to sell him to Limsan pirates to cover debt. Rescued in a Yellowjacket raid, Kian found himself living rough for years on the island. He learned to steal, run with gangs, and never trust anyone. And most importantly, he was not worthy of love.However, even with his rough upbringing and history of crime to survive, he respects the Maelstrom and the Admiral. Given his history, he was a perfect fit for the Rogue's Guild; he wanted to make his home a better place, and never see anyone else go through what he did.Being rough and unpleasant, he doesn't stick around long in adventuring parties; he's found to be rude, abrasive, uneducated, and hot-headed. But if you have a little patience for this young man, there is a genuine desire to express kindness.

Nikita Kanev

scholar | 40 at journey's start | he/him | ace

Aesthetic: scholarly clothing, khaki pants, comfortable shoes
VA: Ishida Akira
Trademark clothing item: Reading Glasses
Being passive, bookish and disinterested in mercenary work, Nikita was at odds with the nomadic, independent life of a Lost. He did poorly learning trades, and his father was killed on a mercenary job when he was young. He was now at a crossroads, barely into his teens - learn a trade, or learn to fight. The life of an adventurer was challenging for him, especially when he lacked the inner fire that made a warrior. However, his introversion, inquisitive nature and fast learning was the perfect fit for an academic vocation.Turning to the far-flung island shoes of La Noscea, the wandering Hrothgar finally found a place to settle down and start a path of learning: arcane magic. Though Hrothgar were uncommon in Eorzea, the Arcanist’s guild was happy to tutor him and lead him to a path of study. He was a clever, gentle young man, who grew into an equally gentle adult. As a life debt for giving him a path to walk, he stayed with the guild to tutor new arcanists.Throughout his life, he tried other schools of magic, though thamaturgy was not his strong suit. It seemed the healing arts would be his specialty, and he dedicated his life to using theorems to combine healing magic schools and styles; this had varying degrees of success. His current work is using alchemical theories alongside healing magic.An ideal day for Nikita would be to sit with a friend over some warming tea and delicate cake, and have a discussion of philosophy and recent events. He likes sweets (particularly cakes and vanilla-nut flavors), history and historical drama, and cryptozoology. He doesn’t like Ul’dah, as it is far too hot for him - trips to the alchemy guild there are the least favorite part of his research.

Nenepe Nepe

paladin | 24 at journey's start | she/her | bi
companions with Rereto Reto

Aesthetic: formal/business casual clothing, full armor, always has a hat or something on her head
VA: Inoue Marina
Trademark clothing item: Flat Cap
NPC love interest: Big crush on Arenvald, because he's like her storybook knights.
Born in Ul'Dah, young Nenepe's parents were goldsmith understudies. Her life wasn't exactly comfortable, as her parents stayed together for her alone; it was a tense environment full of argument. As soon as she was able, Nenepe tried to learn some of the trade herself, wanting to transfer out to Limsa Lominsa to study metalwork when she was older. Anything to get away from her family.Instead, Nenepe was not as talented at trades as she had hoped. She failed to make anything of worth and in a desperate attempt to get away from her tumultuous home, joined the Immortal Flames. It turned out working as a soldier suited her - rules, regulations, professionalism, and no need to be overly friendly or provide customer service.Nenepe is a little sharp rock of a person; she is no nonsense, deliberate and blunt, here to do the task. Her ability to show kindness is done through a "tough love" method, which does not always work... However, she's secretly a huge romantic, wanting to live out her fantasy of being a dashing knight that rescues a love interest. Her guilty pleasure is reading such stories.She still has an interest in metalwork, enjoying collecting swords and little metalwork trinkets. Her ideal day would be going sightseeing and drinking spirits over a savory pie or hearty stew.